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Voiceovers: The Fastest, Least Expensive Way to Get Started

Approaching Voiceovers, Right From "Ground Zero!"

The ideal person to take this course is someone who is still just investigating voiceover work but hasn't actually entered the market yet. It demonstrates how you can get started without spending a dime on gear…or facilities.

Let's Cut Through the CLUTTER!

If you are like most people investigating voiceover work these days, you've probably already become oversaturated by YouTube and Tiktok videos, and your head is spinning. This course will settle you down, cut away a lot of the unnecessary data and complications, and reduce the information down to something that's easy to digest and understand. The course does a quick survey of the the road ahead for voiceover people, but then brings you back to JUST what's important right now, so you can stop worrying about a lot of other things that don't matter yet.

By the time you're done with this course, you'll not only feel calmer and more assured, but you'll know how to determine with confidence whether voiceovers is something you're suited to. There's no techno-jargon, but no talking down to you. Expect cordial, straight-from-the-hip, clear information from by someone who has over 40 years of voiceover experience.

What You'll Learn:

  1. What it's like to do voiceover work
  2. The biggest mistake aspiring voiceover people make
  3. What matters when you're starting out
  4. Coming to understand your own voice
  5. Ways to practice
  6. The role coaching plays
  7. How to know when you're ready for action
  8. What's involved in doing a demo
  9. Basic marketing information
  10. What makes for a good recording space

Very interesting course with a lot of practical tips. I did love the idea of not getting ahead of oneself and finding and - eventually mastering! - the "own, natural voice". It is also great to hear that there is no need for an expensive booth. Parts of that money would be better spent with a coach who can assess one's voice before diving too deep into the subject. Thank you, Dane!

Dane Scott offers a practical approach to getting into voice over work. Unlike some, he discourages spending a lot of money immediately. He encourages new talent to develop their voice first before turning their attention to things like marketing and buying recording gear. This has been a great, introduction to doing voice over work.


This course makes it clear that you don't need to go out on a limb, at all, to find out if voiceovers is a good direction for you!


Dane shows you how to take those first steps (with no wasted money or motion) toward voiceover work.


You don't need fancy gear or software to get going in voiceovers, and Dane proves it in this course!


Much of what's on YouTube about voiceovers is posted by people who have scarcely more experience than a beginner. What Dane teaches is based on decades of experience.

Be Prepared to be Pleasantly Surprised!

All my courses have been moved from my website to Udemy, where they are offered at a BIG discount, often priced practically free! I don't mind that, because what I don't earn per course is made up for by the number of people ordering. From your standpoint, it's all good. Get this course, which was $99, for a pittance, right now.

© 2024 Tunetracker Systems LLC, dba Dane Scott Productions