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GigWinners Demo Production Course

What to Say, When to Say It

Communication is such a crucial part of the success strategy that Dane created this course to talk about just that. In this course, you'll see how you can leverage your communication with buyers to get more sales, and keep customers coming back for more.

Proven, Real-World Techniques

Whether it's a potential Fiverr customer, or a current customer, saying the right thing at the right time can make a BIG difference in your bottom line. In this webinar, Dane Scott shows you the techniques he used to become a Top Rated Seller in half a year, to do six figure sales per year, and to amass over $600,000 in sales altogether on Fiverr. There are no tricks or gimmicks here. Just solid, repeatable techniques that will earn you more money on Fiverr, year in, and year out.

This course is not about setting up your Fiverr account, or the rudimentary basics of getting around on Fiverr. It's intended instead to help you turn Fiverr into a true earnings tool by showing you techniques that work in building and sustaining your customer base through great customer service and communications.

What You'll Learn:

  1. Rolling Out the Red Carpet to New Customers
  2. Custom Offers - Closing the Deal!
  3. Thank-You Notes: What to Say, and Why They Work
  4. The Exception Rule - Saving Your Stomach
  5. A Tip on Tips: The Phrase That Pays
  6. Playing Chicken: (vs. Leveraging Early Deliveries)
  7. Doubling the Power of Five-Star Reviews
  8. Monthly Follow-ups Gold Mine
  9. Bringing it All Together: Combining the Techniques in an Actual Order
  10. More!

A very useful course. It's not about the absolute Fiverr basics, but focuses more on good strategies for growing your Fiverr VO business by running it... like a business. Excellent tips on customer service, building good relationships with clients to win repeat business, and a few Fiverr "hacks" to help you do it all efficiently.

Dane is friendly and experienced and explains his subject well. The tactics he shares are the tactics he's used himself to good effect. (I know -- I checked out his VO profile and gig on Fiverr and read his reviews.)

A few of the techniques will seem like common sense... once Dane has explained them to you. As we all know, common sense isn't so common. Sometimes it takes a pro who knows his subject well to make potentially complex things seem simple. If you're new to Fiverr, this course will help immensely. If you have been selling on Fiverr for a while, there are still some tips you can pick up from Dane where your reaction will be, "Oh, yeah, I should have thought of that!" Lucky for you, Dane has..

Dane Scott is a real class act and takes the time to be professional and kind with his clients, and he equipped me with the tools to do the same with my own voice over career.

The principles that he employs are tried and true and are the hallmark of a professional who really cares about his craft. The specificity of his advice makes it easy for me to take and employ these techniques in my own practice.

As a voice over talent, I'm always trying to learn new ways to be a better performer, but also be a better businessman, and this webinar helped tremendously with the latter.


Communicating clearly and confidently also inspires confidence in your buyers, which is a win all the way around.


Properly timed and worded messages keep you and your buyer on track through the entire order process.


Understand the things that are important to say, and important NOT to say.


Demonstrate from the first communication that you're on the buyer's side, and you want them to be very happy with what you do for them..

Be Prepared to be Pleasantly Surprised!

All my courses have been moved from my website to Udemy, where they are offered at a BIG discount, often priced practically free! I don't mind that, because what I don't earn per course is made up for by the number of people ordering. From your standpoint, it's all good. Get this course, which was $99, for a pittance, right now.

© 2024 Tunetracker Systems LLC, dba Dane Scott Productions