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Voiceover Mythbusters

15 Ways Voiceover People are Being Led Astray!

In this course, we identify 15 modern myths and urban legends that far too many voiceover people have accepted as established truth. The reality is, these practices are slowing their workflow, costing them unnecessary money, impeding their advancement in the field, and keeping them from earning the best income they can for their efforts.

"Group Think" is Hog-tying New Voiceover People

Dane Scott, your host for the Mythbusters course, had been doing voiceovers for decades; tens of thousands of them. That long-throw experience has given me a perspective that has helped me identify some recent trends that are hindering, rather than helping, aspiring voice actors.

Imagine if, after driving safely and successfully for 20 years, or 40, someone told you that, from now on, you need to always wear driving gloves and special treads on your shoes, otherwise you're doing it wrong, and will probably have an accident at any moment. Would you look at them a little funny? Yet that's what has happened in the voiceover world. In a relatively short period of time, a sort of "group think," inspired by a number of purists with an intolerance for alternative viewpoints, has taken hold, and now pervades the information you find in discussion groups, on YouTube, and elsewhere.

What You'll Learn:

  1. Learn simpler and less complicated ways to do voiceovers.
  2. Discover how to move ahead faster as a voice actor.
  3. Avoid pitfalls that trap a lot of potential voiceover artists before they even get started.
  4. Learn what's important and what's not, when it comes to gear and software.
  5. Clear up a lot of urban legends and discover there's way forward that's less costly and time-consuming.
  6. Ways to think independently, and find your own way forward as a voice actor.

I'm just coming up to my first anniversary in VO. I don't consider myself a 'paint by numbers' type of guy, and so this course was right up my alley!Dane illustrates perfectly how it is possible to make your own way into VO in your own way, time and importantly, money. Even after a year of moderate success, there are things in here that raised my eyebrows, and a couple of tips that will more than pay for the course itself.If you haven't yet, I would certainly add this particular course to your roster - you owe it to yourself to do so.

I've actually questioned myself on nearly all of the Myths that Dane busts! This course is so helpful for any new VO or anyone wanting to get into voice overs.I plan to revisit the course in the future as a reminder of how to keep myself from unproductive group think.Dane's voice and delivery manner is so positive and encouraging! I'm glad I enrolled!


One of the most freeing things we can do as voiceover people is to learn how to think for ourselves.


Dane's approaches are saving VO people a lot of time, money, and complication. You'll chuckle when you see how much easier things can be than we're often told.


Learn ways to streamline your voiceover work tremendously by removing unnecessary obstacles from your path.


At the end of the course, contact Dane and ask for your free "Voiceover Mythbusters" book!

Be Prepared to be Pleasantly Surprised!

All my courses have been moved from my website to Udemy, where they are offered at a BIG discount (at times sale-priced to almost free). I'm ok with that. It's rewarding to me to know they're helping people. Get this previously $99 course for much less right now, by hitting the blue button below.

© 2024 Tunetracker Systems LLC, dba Dane Scott Productions